“Photograph is a very important part of my space it is to discover, it is to capture giving flow to what the heart feels and sees in a certain moment, it is being in the street, experiencing, understanding, learning and, essentially, practicing the freedom of being, of living, of thinking”
I was born in Mexico many years ago, in 1984 I was introduced to photography by my brother in law Antonio Nungaray while in Mexico, got a degree as a Land Surveyor, moved to California 30+ years ago, studied graphics/arts/programming/Microsoft applications/AutoCAD and now call California home, I am a lifestyle photographer who absolutely loves his job and everything that comes with it. I appreciate the people I meet, the places I go, the hours I keep, and the spontaneity in every shoot. Anybody can take pictures, but not everyone can create and capture that sublime energy of the picture.

Always Searching For The Shot
Remember that every subject is a unique individual, with their own personality. This is what makes them so interesting, and it’s something you should try to capture in every portrait you take. Choosing a suitable location is an important part of this.
If you’re shooting indoors, try to position your subject near a large window so that you can make the most of any available natural light.
“When words become unclear, I shall focus with photographs. When images become inadequate, I shall be content with silence.”
“There is only you and your camera. The limitations in your photography are in yourself, for what we see is what we are.”
“Black and white are the colors of photography. They symbolize the alternatives of hope and despair to which mankind is subjected.”